Wednesday, August 25, 2010

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death" Albert Einstein.

I always did like PBS. What I gathered intellectually and knowledge retained is another story. At least I had learned something for a time that allowed for a different perspective on certain events in history, places and things upon the Earth and people of interest. Programming such as Nova, Scientific American, archeology and paleontology programs were always of great interest. Most interesting were the cooking shows of which I've not prepared a single culinary creation from. What purpose those programs served to keep me alive and learning never manifested itself to day to day living, most specifically the cooking programs. I supposed I still always dreamed of creating fantastic dishes and healthier foods and exploring the fantastic ideas and places presented on these shows. Now, at least, I am preparing myself to indulge in a better diet. This diet will not come specifically from anyone of the culinary programming I've seen but rather the Bloggers  blogs that I've read. I have decided to eat better. These examples are defined by consuming less animal proteins and devise a diet of vegetables, grains and beans. This I believe will suit my needs as for some time now meats give me the feeling of great weight and a tiresome feeling. I have come to believe this is one of the factors that have held me back in sustaining a better existence for myself. But my situation is a condition of many things which include an irresponsibility and lack of motivation without a future perspective and lowered self-esteem with a certain sense of anger towards myself and others. There are many culprits along my way and many things I've tried that I believed would change my course. It’s possible I failed from loss of diligence and patience but it’s mostly my poor attitude. The fug has lifted. 

Something occurred to me on May 27 of this year as I was an outpatient having my wisdom teeth removed. Nursing is a pretty cool job. I always did like the physician’s office or the hospital. It simply never occurred to me that I could become a nurse. Maybe somewhere in my mind I believed I would be relegated to menial tasks and jobs no one else wanted or that I wouldn't be accepted for employment. I don't recall my thought processes that led to my pasts decisions exactly but I can image they'd be with some self-salvaging delusion. Within a week later I had made a choice. I would indeed attend college this next semester for an education toward a position where higher education is a requirement. This time I'll give it my whole hearted honest try. I'm 40, not 30 and not 24. Whatever place my mind was in at those ages I cannot say. There was some threshold I could not cross. This much is true. The nurse that practiced on me at the facility inspired me. I wanted to be a part of this action in that I could be a part of this action and will be a part of this action. I had wished to be a part of a greater good rather than a culprit of it. 

Come the 8th of September I'll be re-beginning college on course for the nursing program offered at Wor-Wic. I've a full course load and I believe this would be my best opportunity to advance in spite of the curriculum. I do know I did respectively well in my past semesters - my grade was lowered only because I missed a couple classes not because of poor test scores. English 101 I am retaking to improve my grade which should give me a greater opportunity of acceptance into the nursing program. Psychology will be my greatest problem. I have never been greatly analytical of thoughts and people. Fortunately I have few outside responsibilities and can devote attention to the detail that will be required in assignment and class participation. A job change will be an added improvement which may be a step down from my current employer but possibly a necessity. This semester will be a whole hearted attempt that will be fulfilling which will allow me the adaptations I have been searching for that I've never known the explanation of. Maybe I can unlock the hidden me that I know is there and develop him as he would have grown from this age and time forward. 

Hopefully I'll make a couple friends along my journey. An outgoing personality I do not have but friends are important. An outlet to grow psychosocially. This will be my next step. Opening up to others.

Wish me luck. Not that I need it.